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Tel: 07568 149 208

B.Sc. M.Sc.c.

          Traditional acupuncture,

tuina & Chinese herbal therapy

Kínai Medicina rendelő

1114 BUDAPEST Orlay u. 2/b. 

Doorbell#45.  3rd floor, door no. 5.

Clinic hours:

Monday: 2pm-6pm

Tuesday: 8am-12noon &


Wednesday: 2pm-6pm

Thusday: 2pm-6pm

Friday: 8am-12pm


Call us: +36 70 615 4075    +36 70 772 1700

Or email us:

What is Chinese acupuncture​ like?
Acupuncture is more than 2000 years old.  Throughout the centuries this remarkable science kept growing and developing in China. Many special needling techniques were developed and vast libraries of knowledge were accumulated based on the clinical experiences of Chinese medicine practitioners. Our acupuncture services rely on these roots.
In expert hands needle insertion is painless.  When the needle reaches its proper place in the acupoint and starts stimulating the body, there may be a heavy feeling around it, perhaps a hot or radiating sensation, depending on the needle manipulations applied.
During the session you will feel relaxed and the needles will regulate relevant physiological functions through the acupoints to aid recovery and help your body regain balance, so that you can be free of symptoms.
A treatment usually takes approximately 30 minutes. The initial consultation plus the first treatment takes about 1 hour.
​Acupuncture affects the body functions gradually, so usually 10 treatments are recommended. Depending on the severity of the problem, this can be more. You usually will feel better after the treatments, occasionally slightly drowsy, but the more treatments you get the better and healthier you'll feel. The optimal frequency of sessions is twice or three times a week. In case of severe pain treatments can be given daily.
The acupuncture needles are very thin, single-use and sterile - thus completely safe. During a treatment usually 6-12 needles are used, this can vary depending on the condition treated.


needle manipulation
Chinese acupuncture

What is Chinese medical massage /Tuina?

Tuina or Chinese medical massage is a powerful manual treatment which uses various massage techniques and places pressure on relevant acupoints in order to regulate physiological functions, promote blood circulation, loosen up muscles and relieve pain.
A session usually takes about 20-30 minutes, focusing on the affected body part. Tuina is a dry massage, provided through clothing. In China it is used for various neurological and musculoskeletal problems, sport injuries, joint or muscle pains, headaches etc.





Moxibustion uses heat to stimulate acupoints. It can be performed with a moxa stick held above the skin or a moxa cone placed on the body surface. Both are made of Chinese mugwort which burns slowly, giving long lasting heat and has a distinct odour. It is used in conditions which are sensitive to cold and are alleviated by heat.  It is very useful for promoting circulation and reducing pain. Smokeless moxa sticks are very popular and are made of mugwort coal.


Cupping involves placing vacuum cups on acupoints and tender areas. It is traditionally performed with the use of glass cups and fire. A burning cotton ball is held inside the cup for a couple of seconds and as the combustion creates a vacuum, the cup is quickly placed on the skin. The vacuum attaches the cups to the skin. Usually cupping takes 10-15 minutes. Placing these cups onto the proper points it can be used for various muscle and joint pains, back problems, respiratory diseases and dermatological conditions.
Cupping is good for muscle pain

​What can acupuncture  help with?

​According to the World Health Organization, acupuncture is effective for over 100 conditions.

Here are some of them:

  • ​musculoskeletal problems: joint and muscle pains, injuries, back and neck aches etc. ​
  • headaches and migraines
  • insomnia, chronic fatigue
  • stress, anxiety, depression
  • circulatory problems
  • asthma, hay fever and allergies
  • PMS, infertility and pregnancy problems
  • ​IBS and other gastrointestinal disorders

The NHS recommends acupuncture for lower backache.

Acupuncture is used for a wide range of problems all over the world.


Useful links

You can find more information about conditions for which acupuncture is recommended by the World Health Organization
A visit to the following associations' websites can help you to learn more about TCM courses, regulation and guidelines in the UK:
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